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Dogs, cats and other pets bring us much joy and are our important companions in life. Proper pet training and tender, attentive pet care are necessary for humans and pets to live together harmoniously.
Likewise, a healthy, balanced diet also forms part of the foundation of your pet’s vitality and well-being. Our premium pet food takes full care of your dog’s or cat’s nutritional needs – something other kinds of pet food may not be able to promise. In some situations, your pets may also require supplements to support their essential body functions and well-being.
The products in the bogavital line were developed over many years by specialist veterinarians, biologists and research institutes according to the latest scientific discoveries. During the focused product development, each formula was carefully evaluated and also put together and tested with ingredients of the highest quality. It turned out that both dogs and cats sometimes require different levels of nutrients. That is why we have developed two different formulas – the unique SUPPORT formula and the FORTE formula. The SUPPORT formula assists a pet’s natural body and mental functions, while the FORTE formula helps to strengthen weakened body functions or parts. It was also important to Bogar that the products are made from natural ingredients, highly dosed, and yet can still be sold over the counter in pet shops. The sophisticated formulas, which contains medical-quality active ingredients, are manufactured in specialised production plants located in Germany.
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